Proceedings and Journal Publications

All accepted papers will be published by conference PDF proceeding(without ISSN/ISBN)*.
Distinguished accepted and presented papers in MUE / FutureTech 2025, after further revisions, will be published in the special issues of the following international journals (Pending):

Authors should submit a paper based on page limitation(6~10 pages) including all figures, tables, and references. If you want to submit more than page limitation, you can add up to 2 extra pages(max 12 pages) with the additional payment (100 USD per page).

  1. All accepted papers will be published by conference PDF proceeding(without ISSN/ISBN)*.
    - All accepted papers will be published only 1(first) page.

  2. After closing congress, accepted and presented papers will be recommended to
    - Special Issues of the Intl' Journals indexed by SCIE or SCOPUS.
    - SCIE journal recommendations (Distinguished excellent papers)

  3. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer (indexed by EI and SCOPUS).

  4. Instructions for papers in the Springer's LNEE (Note that the paper format of LNEE is the same as that of LNCS)
    - Prepare your paper in the exact format as the sample paper for LNEE. Failure to do so may result in the exclusion of your paper from the proceedings. Please read the authors' instructions carefully before preparing your papers.
    - Springer accepts both Microsoft Word and LaTex format in the Lecture Note Series. However, KCIA does not accept the use of LaTex. Therefore, you should use the Microsoft Word instead of using LaTex (The paper will be excluded from the proceeding if you use LaTex). Springer provides the relevant templates and sample files for both PC ( and Mac (sv-lncs) environments.
    - Please download Word Template ( If you need more help on preparing your papers, please visit Springer's LNEE web page (
** No showers' paper will be NOT recommended to intl' journal**.

Special Issues

The distinguished selected papers accepted and presented in MUE / FutureTech 2025, after further revisions, will be recommended in the special issues of the following international journals indexed journals:

1) SCI/E journals (Top ranked papers)
  • Human - centric Computing and Information Sciences - KCIA (SCIE, IF 6.6, JCR Q1 level)
  • Sensors - MBDI (SCIE, IF 3.9)
  • JIT - Journal of internet technologys (SCIE, IF 0.9)
  • CMC - Computers Materials & Continua - TECH SCIENCE PRESS (SCIE, IF 3.1)
  • CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences - Tech Science Press (SCIE, IF 2.4)
  • Applied Sciences - MDPI (SCIE, IF 2.5, Q1-JIF 24.3%)
  • CMI - Current Medical Imaging (SCIE, IF 1.1)

2) SCOPUS journals (~40% ranked papers)
  • Other journals.

** This is the current index status of the journal. However, the journal indices may be changed due to several reasons. In that case, we are not responsible for it.

** When authors recommend potential reviewers for their paper, the recommended reviewers' countries must be different.

** The recommended authors MUST strongly keep the recommendation guideline for the submission.