All attendees at FT2025 should make the registration.
One author per paper MUST be accompanied by one mandatory registration and the registration fee must be paid until Registration Due Date.
Without a dedicated registration, the paper cannot be included in the conference proceedings and it cannot be recommended to the journal special issues.
The following registration rules are applied to the FT2025.
All inquiries concerning registration and payment should be addressed to the general chair of FT2025(
Registration information
To be published in the FT2025 proceeding, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference.[For Korean]
1. 계좌 이체 안내
- 수취인 은행 : 신한은행
- 수취인 계좌번호: 140-014-421608
- 수취인(계좌 소유자 이름): 한국컴퓨터산업협회
- 이번 행사에는 카드 결제를 지원하지 않습니다. 전자계산서 처리가 필요한 경우 이메일로 요청해주세요.
[For Non-Korean]
1. Bank Transfer Information
- Beneficiary's Bank : SHINHAN BANK
- BankBeneficiary's a/c no.: 140-014-421608
- Beneficiary(Account holder name): Korea Computer Industry Association (KCIA)
- Swift Code: SHBKKRSE
- The branch address : (04513) 20, SEJONG-DAERO 9-GIL, JUNG-GU, SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA
- Please visit the PayPal site as below.
- FutureTech2025 PayPal Link
- *Please note the Paper ID(e.g. FT2025-001(Paper ID))*
Registration Fees
 Author Registration
- Registration by ₩970,000 KRW or $970 USD
- Registration(non-Authors) by ₩870,000 KRW or $870 USD
- Banquet Participation - ₩100,000 KRW or $100 USD for one person.
- Extra pages - ₩100,000 KRW or $100 USD for one additional page. It is only concerned to the LNEE publication, and page allowance is as follows: maximum 8 pages (Free 6 pages + 2 additional pages for each paper).
Cancellation Policy
● 50% of the registration fee can be returned within one week after author registration, otherwise, the refund is NOT allowed.
● For authors who want to cancel the registration after the review notification, we only refund 50% of the registration fee within one week after the review notification.
● 50% of the registration fee can be returned within one week after author registration, otherwise, the refund is NOT allowed.
● For authors who want to cancel the registration after the review notification, we only refund 50% of the registration fee within one week after the review notification.